Bead Stringing

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Bead Stringing
Practical Life - Care of the Person
Bead Stringing.JPG
PrerequisitesGrasping Transfer
Materialslace with a knot in one end
large wooden beads
basket or other container

In this activity the child learns how to string beads. This also helps prepare the child for the Lacing Cards, Threading a Needle, the Sewing Boards, and other sewing activities.


  1. Carry the basket to a mat or table. Put it in the upper left corner.
    Bead Stringing 1.JPG
  2. step two
    Bead Stringing 2.JPG
  3. step three
    Bead Stringing 3.JPG
  4. step four
    Bead Stringing 4.JPG
  5. step five
    Bead Stringing 5.JPG

Points of Interest

Control of Error

Variations and Extensions

  • Different sizes and types of beads can be used.
  • Bead stringing can also be done as an art activity.
  • Bead stringing could also be done as an exercise in matching patterns.


Explorations Early Learning $14.95 (Branch Beads)
Explorations Early Learning $8.95 (Mini Branch Beads)

Further Reading